Our Catholic Parishes and Missions have raised 135% of their goal!
*as of February 10th
To see the latest campaign summary report CLICK HERE
“I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5
Many parishes throughout our diocese are in great need of funds for capital projects as well as ministry. Recognizing this urgent need, the United in Faith campaign will return 50% of all funds collected after the ACA portion of their goal back to our parishes for their local needs. Once the parish has attained its goal, 75% of all funds raised over the goal will remain at the parish. The Diocese of Memphis will collect donor contributions and disburse funds to the parishes on a quarterly basis.
Ready to make your pledge?

Lord, with joy in our hearts and ever-constant prayer, help us to recognize that You are the Architect, the Builder, and the Artist.
Help us to understand that United in Faith is a labor of love, which will strengthen our Church here in West Tennessee.
Assure us of the need for sacrifice, which will benefit our entire community. Help us to recognize that You give us the wisdom, courage, and love, to be good stewards of the many gifts You have given us.
Strengthen us, to build upon a firm foundation of faith, so that we, and the generations to follow, will come together to freely worship You.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Campaign Prayer